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Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

London 2012: Official Results App for the Olympic and Paralympic Games For Blackberry

Item Description The Official London 2012 Results app provides all the latest news, schedules and results, allowing users to keep up-to-date with the latest action LIVE across all Olympic sports (25 July to 12 August 2012) and Paralympic sports (29 August to 9 September 2012). Key features include results, live updates, calendar schedule, details of sports, medal tables and athlete profiles. Users can also follow specific countries, and receive official news and updates tailored to them all in one app. It’s the essential FREE app for all sports fans to share the excitement of London 2012! Key features include: Results: Covering all events...

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Free Download Firmware Nokia X2-02 RM-694 BI Only v11.63

RED STROKE ID (059D1Q1) * rm694__11.63.mcusw * rm694__11.63.image_x_059D1Q1 * rm694__11.63.ppm_x * P10585801dpi600.pcx * RM694_059D1Q1_11.63_032.dcp * RM694_059D1Q1_11.63_032.vpl * RM694_059D1Q1_11.63_032_signature.bin * P10585801.xml  SILVER STROKE ID (059D1V9) * rm694__11.63.mcusw * rm694__11.63.image_x_059D1V9 * rm694__11.63.ppm_x * P10585801dpi600.pcx * 059D1V9_11.63_032.dcp * 059D1V9_11.63_032.vpl * 059D1V9_11.63_032_signature.bin * P10585801.xml BLUE STROKE ID (059H3B2) * rm694__11.63.mcusw * rm694__11.63.image_x_059H3B2 * rm694__11.63.ppm_x * P10585801dpi600.pcx * RM694_059H3B2_11.63_032.dcp * RM694_059H3B2_11.63_032.vpl * RM694_059H3B2_11.63_032_signature.bin *...

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012


Gag usah sungkan2 gan, tanpa bayar sepeser alias gratis. Langsung aja DOWNL...


Mumpung gratis, sedot aja gan, gag pakai bayar kok silahkan di DOWNL...


Yang lagi butuh skema Javelin, silahkan di KLIK gratis dan tanpa pajak..... heheheee....


Gag usah panjang lebar... tancap gaaas.... KLI...


Yang lagi cari skema Nokia N8-00 langsung aja ke SI...


Monggo gan silahkan disedot di SI...


Silahkan download skemanya di SI...

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Bubble Breaker Game For BlackBerry®

Item Description This is a fun and addictive game! Pop as many bubbles as you can by lining them up by color. The more bubbles you pop at once, the more points you gain! Very easy to use by just using your trackball! You can select from THREE levels of difficulty - that is, you can play with three, four or FIVE colors! This game contains 5 levels for free. If you want more, please purchase the paid version. Thank you. ** Free Download...

Angry Pigs Game For BlackBerry®

Item Description Added 54 new levels under "BEACH SEASON" theme! Stuck on a tricky level? Wrath of the Hog is now available via an in-app purchase. ULTIMATE ZOOMING(SCALING) FEATURE! 216 EXCITING LEVELS NOW! Pigs are angry - big bad Wolves chased little Piglets from their houses! Tiny Piglets didn’t have a choice but to find Pig warriors to get their homes and lands back. Time to revenge and strike back on those pesky hairy sneaky eared creatures! Each Pig has it’s own feature - find out how to smash those Wolves in the most destructive way! The game introduces an incredibly precise physics never seen on BlackBerry™ smartphones...

Advance OS and LED For BlackBerry®

Item Description 20+ Apps in 1 App (The most powerful utility app made for BlackBerry®) * Know if it is a BBM™, SMS, Email or a Call by making upto 4 different Ringtones & LEDs PER Contact. * Read your messages (BBM™,Email,SMS) without opening any app or even touching your phone. * Repeat audible reminders alerts for BBM™,Email,SMS,Missed Calls. * Make custom LEDs for battery, network and all apps Notifications. * Restart or schedule a phone restart without battery pull. * Backup, restore & email all contacts (with photos), export to (Excel,Outlook,Gmail), find/Merge duplicate contacts and Move all contacts to default list or manage...

Color ID BlackBerry®

Item Description ★ You asked for it back, and we've heard you loud and clear - with the latest version of Color ID you can apply the same custom color(s) to ALL of your BBM contacts, just like you used to be able to! Want all of your BBM contacts to have the same Disco colors? No problem with Color ID, the original and best-selling LED customizer. ★ JUST ADDED 10 NEW AWESOME COLOR COMBINATION PRESETS!!! ★ - Lava Lamp - Hot Mess - Creamsicle - Pink Friday - Rocket Pop - Fireworks - Water - Fire - Earth - Wind ★ Color ID™ lets you assign custom LED color combinations by contact when you receive BBMs, texts, emails and calls. With over 100...

Screen Muncher™ For BlackBerry®

Item Description NEW! ★ Screen Muncher now lets you share memorable in-app moments with all your Facebook friends! Share IM conversations, pics, favorite Facebook moments, Tweets, maps, recipes, what you're listening to, high scores...ANYTHING! The full version lets you remove watermark, change colors, turn off sound & more! This funny, cute and useful app includes the classic "MUNCH" sound effect, animation and vibrate every time you Munch a screen! Use Screen Muncher to: * Munch BlackBerry® Messenger BBM conversations and share them directly through Facebook & Twitter! (also posts what app you captured it in) * Munch...

Fancy Smiley For BlackBerry®

Item Description Now Smile with Style with Fancy Smiley! Fancy Smiley enables you to send colored smileys, Generate Fancy Words using Fancy Word Maker and send country flags in BBM & unicode characters in EMAIL, SMS, IMs and Facebook status messages! Fancy Smiley FEATURES: - Integrated Work Maker for Fancy Texts! - 300+ Colored Smiles and over 200 flags - 500+ icons and symbols for Facebook and other status messages - Integrates to any text field - Supported all Unicode symbols and characters - Neatly categorized separate Tabs for easy accessibility - Insert More than 1 Smiley at a go (enable this feature under app options as Multi...

BeBuzz Free - LED Light Colors For BlackBerry®

Item Description   Take control of your BlackBerry front notification LED! Green for calls from your boss, pink for e-mails from your girlfriend, blue for text messages from your kids. Only BeBuzz adds unique features like Repeating Audible Notifiers, On-Screen Popup Notifiers, Text-to-Speech and Vibrate-While-Ringing. With more than 20 Million downloads and multiple awards BeBuzz is one of the most popular apps for BlackBerry smartphones ever! *** Featured on the official InsideBlackBerry blog as an AppWorld success story *** *** Voted #1 BlackBerry App Developer of the Year 2010 by CrackBerry! *** *** Nominated for the...

Photo Studio for BlackBerry®

Item Description Photo Studio for BlackBerry® is utilized by both amateur and professional photographers who seek simple, but powerful image processing on-the-go. Users can turn their BlackBerry® into a fantastic photo editing studio. Smartphone version: - BBM Connected! Share your photos directly from Photo Studio. - Base photo operations: brightness, contrast, RGB color adjustment, hue, saturation and transform operations: resize, rotate and crop. - 115 unique effects in categories: ‘Simple toning’, ‘Old Style’, ‘Vintage’, ‘Summer mood’, ‘Sketch’, ‘Lomo’, ‘Blur’ and ‘Art’. - Apply set of beautiful digital frames to your photos...

Viber For Blackberry

Item Description Viber lets everyone in the world connect. Freely. More than 90 million Viber users call, text, and send photos worldwide - for free. Viber is available for BlackBerry®, Android, iPhone® and other smartphones. We are always introducing new features, platforms and possibilities. Viber is completely free with no advertising and we value your privacy. New in Viber 2.2: you can now send free messages to groups of friends. Share photos, links and invite more friends to join. Voice coming soon: we promise that as soon as the full version is ready, we will make it available so you will be able to use Viber for BlackBerry to also...

BlackBerry Protect

Item Description BlackBerry® Protect is a free application designed to keep your information secure if your BlackBerry® smartphone goes missing. If you’re on an applicable consumer data plan (enterprise plans are not supported at this time), you can download BlackBerry Protect and then log into the website where you can lock, locate or wipe your smartphone from wherever you are. You can also choose to have your crucial data backed up wirelessly and automatically, as often as you choose (daily, weekly, or monthly). Manage multiple users with BlackBerry Management Center: **BlackBerry Protect...

WhatsApp Messenger For Blackberry

Item Description WhatsApp is a cross-platform smartphone messenger available for BlackBerry® and 4 other major handsets. WhatsApp Messenger utilizes your existing internet data plan to help you stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family. * MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts. * GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts. * NEW UI: Upgrade to version 2.7 and enjoy new awesome pretty GUI * AWESOME. Once you and your contacts install WhatsApp Messenger, you can use it to message each other as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends! WhatsApp uses 3G/EDGE...

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Free Download Firmware Nokia 2220 Slide rm590 v.10.25 BI only

Mumpung gratis silahkan disedot skalian bantu temen yang gag punya file type ini, kliling sana sini akhirnya nemu juga yang pas dihati.....:D > 2220 slide rm590 10.25..X.part1.rar > 2220 slide rm590 10.25..X.part2.rar > 2220 slide rm590 10.25..X.part3.rar > 2220 slide rm590 10.25..X.part4.rar > 2220 slide rm590 10.25..X.part5.rar  by:


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